Members of Center for Quantitative Economics of Jilin University




Name:Zhang Shiwei


Date of Birth: 1964-03-04

Academic Qualification:Phd


Position:PHD Supervisor


Research Fields:

        Computational Economics & Economic Simulation;Labor Economics



  1. Zhang Shiwei,Wang Jie.The Elderly Action in the Digital Economy: Internet Use and the Labor Supply of the Elderly,2023(6)87-102.(Download)

  2. Zhang Shiwei,Wang Jie.Delayed Retirement, Intergenerational Care and Fertility,2023(5)87-102.(Download)

  3. Zhang Shiwei, Zhang Junkai.Skill Training, Job Change and Job Quality,2022(1):3-29.(Download)

  4. Liu Tingyu, Zhang Shiwei, Liu Dayu. Offshore Undertaking, Routine-Biased Technological Change and Wage Polarization,Finance&Trade Economics.2021(2):149-164.(Download)

  5. Zhang Shiwei, Lin Shuyu. Labor Contract, Skill Level and Wage Gap for Chinese Migrant Population,Nankai Economic Studies,2021(2):164-180.(Download)

  6. hang Shiwei, Liu Tingyu, Liu Dayu, Wang Qiaoru. Core Inflation Structure Changes and Sector Core Inflation Decomposition in China,The Journal of World Econom,2021(1):126-150.(Download)

  7. Zhang Shiwei, Lin Shuyu. The Influence of Expected Income Gap Between Regions on Labor Outflow in Northeast China,Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition,2021(1):80-88.(Download)

  8. Guo Fengming, Zhang Shiwei. Is Migrant Workers’ Overwork Voluntary or Reluctant? An Analysis on Overtime Compensation,Studies in Labor Economics,2020(4):75-94.(Download)

  9. Yang Zhengxiong, Zhang Shiwei. The Effects of Minimum Wages on Informal Employment Choice and Wages of Rural Migrant Workers,Issues in Agricultural Economy,2020(9):40-54.(Download)

  10. Zhang Shiwei, Yang Zhengxiong. Can Minimum Wages Raise Rural Migrant Workers’ Wages in the Long Run?,Finance&Economics,2019(11):95-108.(Download)

  11. Guo Fengming, Zhang Shiwei. The Effect of Minimum Wage Increase on the Overwork of Low-paid Rural Migrant Workers,Chinese Journal of Population Science,2018(5):42-56.(Download)

  12. Zhang Shiwei, Si Yinghua. Analysis of Regional Differences between Economic Growth and Unemployment in China,Research on Financial and Economic Issues,2018(9):131-137.(Download)

  13. Zhang Shiwei, Zhang Juan. Marketizafion,Labor Contract and Labor Compensations of Migra nt Workers,Finance & Economics,2018(6):121-132.(Download)

  14. Zhang Shiwei,Yang Zhengxiong. The Effect of Minimum Wage increase on Migrant Worker' wage Distribution,Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition,2018(3):55-66.(Download)

  15. Zhang Shiwei, Si Yinghua. The Analysis of "Price-Unemployment":Relationship Based on the "Triangle" Phillips Curve,Journal of Central University of Finance& Economics,2018(1):87-92.(Download)

  16. Zhang Shiwei, Zhang Juan. The Effect of Labor Contract on Migrant Workers’Income Distribution,The Journal of Quantitative Economics,2017(8):38-48.(Download)

  17. Guo Fengming, Zhang Shiwei. The Effect of Minimum Wage on Migrant Workers' Wage and Working Hours,Statistics& Decision,2017(19):111-115.(Download)

  18. Zhang Shiwei, Nuo Min, Zhao Fang. The Influence of Education Development on Labor Income Differential  in China,Contemporary Economic Research,2017(4):67-77.(Download)

  19. Zhang Shiwei, Zhang Juan. Labor Contracts and Migrant Workers’ Labor Remuneration,Population Journal,2017(2):78-87.(Download)

  20. Zhang Shiwei, Zhang Juan. Labor Contracts and Labor Compensations of Migrant Workers,Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition,2017(1):22-30+202.(Download)

  21. Zhang Shiwei, Yang Zhengxiong. The Effect of Minimum Wage Hikes on Migrant Workers’ Wage and Employment,Finance & Economics,2016(10):100-109.(Download)

  22. Zhang Shiwei, Wu Na. Income Effects of Training Length on Migrant Workers,Population Journal,2015(4):104-111.(Download)

  23. Lyu Shibin, Zhang Shiwei. Employment“Polarization" in China:An Empirical Research,China Economic Quarterly,2015(2):757-778.(Download)

  24. Zhang Shiwei, Wu Na. Change in Labor Remuneration Difference between Migrant Workers and Urban Workers,Statistics and Information Forum,2014(7):71-75.(Download)

  25. Zhang Shiwei, Jia Peng. Income Distribution Effects of Minimum Wages Adjustment,The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics,2014(3):3-19+37.(Download)

  26. Zhang Shiwei, Wu Na. Income Effect of Training on Migrant Workers,Finance & Economics,2013(12):65-72.(Download)

  27. Jia Peng, Zhang Shiwei. Spillover Effects of Minimum Wages Increase,Statistical Research,2013(4):37-41.(Download)

  28. Guo Fengming, Zhang Shiwei. The Impact of Regional Economlc Enviroment on Gender Wage Differential:An Application of Multilevel Model,Population Journal,2013(4):42-56.(Download)

  29. Jia Peng, Zhang Shiwei. Labor Supply Effects of Minimum Wages Increase:A Natural Experiment Approach,South China Journal of Economics,2013(1):1-13.(Download)

  30. Jia Peng, Zhang Shiwei. Employment Effects of Minimum Wages Increase:A Natural Experiment Approach,Finance & Economics,2012(5):89-98.(Download)

  31. Guo Fengming, Zhang Shiwei. Education  and  Gender  Wage  Discrimination,Education & Economy,2012(3):20-24.(Download)

  32. Zhao Liang, Zhang Shiwei. The Causes for Change of Rural Income Inequality:Based on Regression —based Decomposition,Population Journal,2011(5):50-57.(Download)

  33. Zhao Liang, Zhang Shiwei. The Effect of Human Capital on the Employment,Income and Social Insurance Participati0n of Peasant Workers,Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition),2011(5):48-52.(Download)

  34. Guo Fengming, Zhang Shiwei. Gender Wage Gap in State and Non-state Sector,The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics,2010(12):91-102.(Download)

  35. Guo Fengming, Zhang Shiwei. Change in Gender Wage Gap in Urban Labor Market: An Analysis Based on Fixed-effect Model,Economic Review,2010(4):66-72.(Download)

  36. Zhang Shiwei, Guo Fengming. Gender Wage Discrimination at Quantiles: Evidence from Northeast Urban Labor Market in China,Chinese Journal of Population Science,2009(6):69-79+112.(Download)