Is Migrant Workers’Overwork Voluntary or Reluctant? An Analysis on Overtime Compensation

Is Migrant Workers’Overwork Voluntary or Reluctant? An Analysis on Overtime Compensation

Author:Guo Fengming,Zhang Shiwei Journal:Studies in Labor Economics Date:2020(4)

Abstract: Based on data from Rural- Urban Migration in China Project in 2016 and 2017, this paper examines how migrant workers’ wage and income vary with working hours using fixed effects models.Results show that extension of working hours increases migrant workers’ income only to a small extent, but reducing their hourly wages significantly as the overwork intensifies. As migrant workers do not have due compensation for their overwork, more overtime means more income loss. Therefore, some protective measures, such as imposing strict limits on working hours, standardizing overtime pay system, ensuring migrant workers holidays and overwork compensation, increasing the signing rate of employment contract, and promoting employment normalization for migrant workers, need to be implemented by the government.

Keywords: migrant workers; overwork; income compensation; overtime wage

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