Skill Training,Job Change and Job Quality

Skill Training,Job Change and Job Quality

Author:Zhang Shiwei; Zhang Junkai Journal:Studies in Labor Economics Date:2022(1)

Abstract: Based on the China Labor-force Dynamic Survey in 2014 and 2016,this study examines the effect of skill training on job quality and how this effect may be moderated by job change. The results show that skill training contributes to significant increases in individual wage,probability of social security entitlements,and job satisfaction. However,job change reduces the positive effect of skill training on objective job quality,although it strengthens the positive effect of skill training on subjective job quality. Changes of occupation and formality of work unit are the main reasons behind the moderating role of job change. The negative effect of job change on the objective job quality improvement of skill training is mainly reflected in the low education group,the middle-aged labor force and migrant workers,while the positive effect of job change on the subjective job quality improvement of skill training is mainly reflected in the high education group,the young labor force and urban workers. Therefore,when local governments actively carry out vocational skills training for urban and rural workers,they should focus on cultivating individuals' awareness of long-term career development to avoid the loss of human capital and career development due to frequent job changes.
Keywords: skill trainingjob qualityjob change


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