Delayed Retirement,Intergenerational Care and Fertility

Delayed Retirement,Intergenerational Care and Fertility

Author:ZHANG Shiwei;WANG Jie Journal:Journal of Central University of Finance & Economi Date:2023(5)


Abstract: The effect of delayed retirement on fertility has long been debated in economics. We examine the effects of delayed retirement on intergenerational care and fertility by introducing delayed retirement, intergenerational care and family support in an overlapping generation model. Theoretical analysis shows that: on the one handdelayed retirement leads to an increase in income in old age and relaxation of budget constraints in adulthoodwhich leads to an increase in fertility rate; on the other handdelayed retirement reduces the need for family care by older individuals and squeezes out the intergenerational care they providethereby reducing fertility. Numerical simulation results show that delayed retirement has a dominant negative effect on fertility. Based on the data of 2018 Chinese Family Panel Studiesthe empirical analysis shows that the delayed retirement of mothers leads to a significant decrease in the fertility intention of their childrenwhile the delayed retirement of fathers has no significant effect on the fertility intention of their children. The mechanism analysis shows that on the one handthe delayed retirement of mothers leads to the decrease of the probability of intergenerational care and the decrease of intergenerational care time; on the other hand,delayed retirement of mothers leads to an increase in their economic support for their children. The increase in financial support did not compensate for the decrease in intergenerational careresulting in a decrease in the fertility intention of their children. The delayed retirement of mothers has a more significant negative effect on the fertility intention of children who are womenworkingchildless and low-income. Thereforein the process of implementing the delayed retirement policythe government should vigorously develop inclusive and highquality childcare servicesand strive to reduce household expenditure on healtheducation and housingso as to promote the increase of the fertility rate.
Key words: Delayed retirement Intergenerational care Fertility rate Overlapping generation model


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