International System Structure and State Behavior:A Game Theoretical Model

International System Structure and State Behavior:A Game Theoretical Model

Author:Pang Xiaobo,Huang Weiting Journal:Northeast Asia Forum  Date:2010(3)

Keywords International system structure;State be havior;Rents;surplus;Distribution of benefits;Political transactional cost


International system structure will influence the behaviors of states and the distribution of benefits.Theoretical model showed that in the monopolized international system,the participation surplus of participants would serve as the rents of monopoly power. However,when in the oligarchic international system distribution of benefits is reversed,that is,the leaders surplus of political oligarchy will tran sfer to the participan ts.Ideological conflict,clash of civilizations,economic geographic proximity are the three main sources of political transactional cost,by incorporated them in the extended spatial model,basic distribution of political alliance is shown.BaSed on these conclusions,the development trap of developing countries in the proposition of”center— periphery” and Japan's postwar development is reinterpreted and discussed.



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