An Analysis of the Division and Transfer of China 's Inflation Process

An Analysis of the Division and Transfer of China 's Inflation Process

Author:Liu Jinquan, Sui Jianli, Yan Chao Journal:Journal of Systems Engineering  Date:2017(6)

Keywords 通货膨胀率; 马尔科夫区制转移模型; 平滑概率; 滤波概率;


The results show that China's inflation process can be divided into "inflation zone system", "deflation zone system" and "currency control system", which can be used to analyze and analyze the time dynamic trajectory of China's inflation rate. Change the moderate regional system ", the inflation process in different regional conditions can reflect the significant persistence characteristics.At the same time found that China's economic policy operation and inflation between the regional system and economic policy regulation and inflation There is a clear correlation between the phased changes in the regional system, which means that in our country there are economic policies on the price level changes in the timely dynamic intervention and macro - control.



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