Members of Center for Quantitative Economics of Jilin University

Tian Ping


Name:Tian Ping


Date of birth:1976-02-18                                              

Political status:Chinese communist party members

Acdemic qualifictions:Doctoral candidate

Title : Professor

Duty:Master Supervisor

Office location:Office 3034 in Kuang Yaming

Working hours:Monday to Friday 8:30-11:30


Research interests: 

     Financial asset pricing and risk measurement.



Work and education experience: 

  1.Graduated from Jilin University in June 1999 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in probability and statistics.

  2.Graduated from Jilin University in June 2002 with a Master of Science Degree in probability theory and mathematical statistics. 

  3.Graduated from Jilin University in June 2005 with a Doctor Degree in quantitative economics.

 2020.09--         Jilin University School of Business and Management              Professor

 2011.10--2020.09     Jilin University School of Business and Management              Associate Professor

 2005.08--2011.10     Jilin University School of Business and Management              Lecturer

 2002.09--2005.06    Graduated from Jilin University with a Doctor Degree in quantitative economics.

 1999.09--2002.06    Graduated from Jilin University with a Master of Science Degree in probability theory and mathematical statistics. 

 1996.09--1999.06     Graduated from Jilin University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in probability and statistics.


Journal Articles:

  1. Ping Tian,Zhibang Wang.Study on Regional Differences and Influencing Factors of Total Factor Productivity of Tertiary Industry in China,The Journal of Quantitative Economics,2019,10(3):100-120.(Download)

  2. Ping Tian,Hang Zhou.Study About theBinary Option Pricing Formula With Regime-Switching,The Frontiers in Economic and Management Research,2016(5):36-51.(Download)

  3. Ping Tian,Yaozhong Hu.Parameter Estimation in Hidden Markov Process With Kalman Filter,The Frontiers in Economic and Management Research,2015(1):61-69.(Download)

  4. Tian Ping,Zhang Yishan.The Power, Potential and Friction of Input Elements of Economic Growth in China,Social Science in Chinese Universities,2017(1):52-63.(Download)

  5. Tian Ping,Zhang He.The Research on the Contribution of Capital Dividends to China's Economic Growth,Academic Monthly,2017(1):56-65.(Download)

  6. Tian Ping, Zhang Yishan & Zhang He.A Mathematical Study on the Dual Economic Structure and the  Forecasting of Lewis Turning Point in China,Academic Monthly,2015(6):73-80.(Download)

  7. Ping Tian, Yaozhong Hu.Parameter Estimation in Hidden Markov Process With Kalman Filter,The Frontiers in Economic and Management Research,2015(1):61-69.(Download)

  8. Tian Ping, Zhang Yishan & Zhang He.Prediction on the End Time of the Demographic Gift of Surplus Labor in China,Social Science in Chinese Universities,2015(1):139-148.(Download)

  9. Tian Ping,Zhang Yishan.A Term Structure Model of Interest Rates Based on Trinomial Tree,Statistics and decision,2011(9):26-30.(Download)

  10. Tian Ping.Uncertainty of Financial Market and Financial Crisis,Liao Ning Economy,2009(7):40.(Download)

  11. Tian Ping,Zhang Yishan.Correlation Analysis of China's Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Markets Based on Copulas Technology,Quantitative economics in twenty-first Century,2009(3):221-229.(Download)

  12. Tian Ping, Zhang Yishan & Zhao Shishun.Discussion about the Option Pricing Based on the Stochastic Interest Rate,Mathematical statistics and management,2008(11):1117-1125.(Download)

  13. Tian Ping,Zhang Yishan.Estimation Method of ARMA(1,1) Model with Missing Data,Chinese Journal of Management Science,2008(4):132-139.(Download)

  14. Zhang Min,Chen Min & Tian Ping.A Close Look at Weak Efficiency of China Stock Market,Mathematical statistics and management,2007(11):1091-1099.(Download)

  15. Zhang Yishan, Tian Ping.Forward Price and Risk Management with the Structure of Floating Rate,China Soft Science,2004(9):131-134.(Download)

  16. Zhang Yishan, Tian Ping.The Basic Formula and Relative Stability of Stochastic Solow Swan Model,Quantitative & technical economics,2003(10):27-32.(Download)

  17. Tian Ping,Dong Xianfeng,Wang Dehui,Huang Xiaowei.Estimation method of AR (P) model with missing data,Journal of Jilin University (Science Edition),2003(6):127-133.(Download)

  18. Huang Qingdao,Tian Ping,Wang Guoming.LaSalle's Theorem for Stochastic Differential Equations, Northeastern Mathematical Journal,2003(4):381-386.(Download)

Working papers:

  1.Tian Ping,Zhang Yishan.'One Belt and One Road',the Source of Power to Continue the 'Chinese Miracle',2017(3).(Download)

  2.Tian Ping,Zhang Yishan.The Power, Potential and Friction of Input Elements of Economic Growth in China,2016(9).(Download)

  3.Tian Ping,Zhang He.The Research on the Contribution of Capital Dividends to China's Economic Growth,2016(9).(Download)

Research progress:

 1.Tian Ping.Study on the Driving Force and Mechanism of the New Normal Economic Development Based on Supply Factors(15BJL036),National Social Science Fund Project,2017(3).

Fund Projects:

 1.Tian Ping.Study on the Development Potential  of Input Factor Dynamics in Northeast China(2017QY016),2017(6).

 2.Tian Ping.Study on the Driving Force and Mechanism of the New Normal Economic Development Based on Supply Factors(15BJL036),2015(6).

 3.Tian Ping.Research on the Term Structure Model of Interest Rate with Regional Transfer(12YJCZH187),2012(2).

 4.Tian Ping.Parameter Estimation and Application Research of Hidden Markov Processes (2011QG026),2011(5).(Download)