Construction and Design of Changchun New District Science and Technology Innovation Ecological Evaluation Index System

Construction and Design of Changchun New District Science and Technology Innovation Ecological Evaluation Index System

Author Tian Ping

Department Office of the CPPCC Jilin Provincial Committee

Submited 2021.09


  During his inspection,  Xi Jinping emphasized that Changchun Hi-Tech Park should be led by national strategic needs, adhere to high level planning, high standard construction, and take the road of intensive and connotative development. Changchun New District has responded positively to the call and is on its way to achieve a new round of sustainable and rapid growth in Changchun and Northeast China with new ecological science and technology innovation as the leader and various types of real enterprises as the carrier.

  In order to assist Changchun New District to become bigger and stronger, to create a first-class business environment in the northeast region, especially in Jilin Province, to build a collaborative innovation system, to help the development of the private economy, and to form a powerful "engine" to promote the revitalization of the province and the northeast area, the construction of the evaluation index system of science and technology innovation ecology is a key part.

  Through the construction of the database of the evaluation index system of innovation ecology, the construction of the characteristic indexes of the park, the development of the innovation indexes of the park and the creation of the construction and maintenance team, we can achieve the basic goal of empowering the economic development of the new area with a first-class business environment, optimizing the environment in the construction, accumulating momentum in the innovation, and leading Changchun and driving the northeast to achieve a new round of economic growth.

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