Industrial Labor Migration And Provincial Capital Returns Disparity

Industrial Labor Migration And Provincial Capital Returns Disparity

Author:Sun Wei, Liu Zhichao Journal:[Working Paper]  Date:2017(3)

Keywords Capital returns; Market mechanism; Labor migration; Technology bias


This paper attempts to reveal capital returns variation rules which are leaded by workers’ migration selection and their changed firms’ factors input and allocation with technological bias under the market mechanism in the frame of labor migration. The variation rules reflects characteristics of capital returns rise in inflow region, decline in outflow region and different from overall decline. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the mechanism of the effect of different factors input and allocation on economic development. According to the differentiation of capital returns in the framework of labor migration, this paper uses yearbook data, designs migration index by annual growth of industrial relative employees which matches with regional economy and makes an in-depth study by panel threshold model and unbalanced panel model on the mechanism of capital returns variation rules which are leaded by workers’ migration selection, their changed firms’ factors input and allocation. The results



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