An Empirical Analysis of China 's Monetary Policy Response Function Based on Natural Interest Rate

An Empirical Analysis of China 's Monetary Policy Response Function Based on Natural Interest Rate

Author:Deng Chuang,Li Yumei,Sun Hao Journal:Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition  Date:2009(3)

Keywords Natural interest rate;Output gap;Taylor rules;Monetary policy response function


Using the state space model, we combine the natural interest rate and output gap with our country and establish the "mixed" Taylor rule with forward-looking and recuperative elements using the estimates of natural interest rate and output gap, and respond to our monetary policy Function is estimated. The results show that China's monetary policy behavior is not obvious forward-looking, but the lagging changes in inflation and output changes have made a stable response; without considering the impact of China's monetary policy smooth behavior, in recent years, China's monetary policy The target inflation rate is around 3%.



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