Does natural resources efficiency provide roadmap for economic development in China? Evidence from econometric analysis

Does natural resources efficiency provide roadmap for economic development in China? Evidence from econometric analysis

Author:董竹 石慧 Journal: RESOURCES POLICY Date:2023年10月

Abstract:China's remarkable economic expansion during this period has been accompanied by heightened awareness of the urgent need for responsible resource management and sustainable development. This study investigates the interplay between natural resource efficiency and economic development in China over the two decades from 2000 to 2020. Through rigorous econometric analysis, the research explores whether natural resource efficiency acts as a catalyst for economic growth. Focusing on the nexus between economic development and sustainable utilization of natural resources, this study examines the extent to which improvements in resource efficiency contribute to China's economic progress. By utilizing comprehensive data and advanced analytical techniques, the findings shed light on the intricate relationship between these two critical dimensions. The outcomes of this study carry implications for policymakers, economists, and environmentalists, offering insights into how a nation's ecological footprint can be harmonized with its economic aspirations.

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