Individual Income Distribution and Product Technology Innovation: Demand-induced Innovation Theory and Empirical Analysis

Individual Income Distribution and Product Technology Innovation: Demand-induced Innovation Theory and Empirical Analysis

Author:Sun Wei Xia Haili Journal:Economic Science Date:2022,No.249(03)

Abstract: Demand-induced innovation emphasizes that the income gap plays a role in product innovation throu-gh demand structure. This paper develops a general equilibrium of consumer goods innovation,which not only fully investigates the demand-induced innovation mechanism,but also expands the demand-induced innovation theory from the income growth rate and income uncertainty. The model shows that first,demand-induced inno-vation depends on the trade-off betweenmprice effect and market size effect,then exists an inverted U-shaped  relationship between income gap and product innovation. Second,high income growth rates have a positive in-centive for product innovation due to the expected increase in market size. Third,income uncertainty has an in-hibitory effect on technology innovation through increasing precautionary savings. Based on the empirical anal-ysis of 21 major industries in the manufacturing industry from 2008 to 2020,the corresponding conclusions of the theoretical model are supported.

Keywords: individual income distribution; demand-induced innovation; price effect; market size effect; general equilibrium of consumer goods innovation

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