RMB Real Exchange Rate and China’s Industrial Structure Adjustment: A Deviation from Law of One Price or Relative Price Fluctuation

RMB Real Exchange Rate and China’s Industrial Structure Adjustment: A Deviation from Law of One Price or Relative Price Fluctuation

Author:Dayu Liu, Jinquan Liu Journal:Journal of International Trade Date:2015(05)

Abstract: This paper decomposes the RMB real exchange rate on the basis of“Balassa-Samuelson”theorem, finding that the deviation from the law of one price is the leading cause of the real exchange rate fluctuation before 2012 and the influence of the relative price fluctuation on the fluctuation has been more ob vious since 2012. Later on, this paper uses a TVP-VAR model to study the inter action mechanism between value growth rate of the three main industries and the two factors. The result shows that the interaction mechanism between the devia tion from the law of one price and added value growth rate of the three main in dustries is moderate; but at the end of the sample period, the negative effect of the relative price fluctuation on the added value growth rate of the three main in dustries has been more obvious. Due to China’s current tradable goods’exces sive capacity, the price gap between non-tradable goods and tradable goods contin ues to expand and results in a negative effect on the development of the three main industries. Therefore, the government and monetary authorities should pay more attention to the problem, adjust the structure of foreign trade, reduce the cost of tradable goods, revitalize the stocks, and narrow the gap of domestic and overseas relative prices, so that reasonable assurances can be provided for the sus tainable development of the national economy and the industrial structure optimization.

Keywords: Real exchange rate; TVP- VAR model;“Balassa- Samuelson”Ef fect; Industrial structure adjustment; Time-varying impulse

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