The Eleventh International Symposium of Quantitative Economics, 2022(Changchun, China)

The Eleventh International Symposium of Quantitative Economics, 2022(Changchun, China)

Published:2022-01-11 11:32:55 Author:

The Eleventh International Symposium of Quantitative Economics, 2022 (Changchun, China) is scheduled to be held from July 8 to 10, 2022 in Changchun, China. The symposium has its main concerns with the current Chinese and world economic issues, focusing on the latest developments in quantitative economics theories and methods and their applications in all economic and financial areas, and is committed to creating a high-level academic platform for global economics and finance scholars, who demonstrate and exchange new ideas and original points, and discuss the latest cutting-edge research results. During the symposium, distinguished domestic and overseas scholars will be invited to chair international frontier academic forums. The topics of the symposium include but are not limited to: macroeconomic econometric and quantitative analysis, microeconomic econometric and quantitative analysis, and financial market econometric and quantitative analysis. The symposium received strong support from reputable journals including Journal of Quantitative and Technical Economics, Journal of Quantitative Economics, and International Review of Economics and Finance. The organizer will establish an academic committee with the above journals to review the submitted papers anonymously and elect the best ones as the conference papers. Among them, the papers accepted by both the conference and the journals can directly enter the anonymous manuscript review process of the corresponding journals. Welcome your contributions and your participations.

Call for Papers

Welcome to submit unpublished papers to our conference through email: Please use PDF format (either in English or Chinese). The subject of the email is supposed to be named as "2022 Conference + Author’s Name". Please be sure to include the following information in first page of your manuscript: author's name, organization, job title, contact number, mailing address, email address. If your paper wants to enter the anonymous review process for Journal of Quantitative and Technical Economics, Journal of Quantitative Economics, or International Review of Economics and Finance, please add the submission instruction for journal in the attachment to the submission email.

Submission Due: June 1, 2022.

Feedback: We will send the conference invitation letters to all the corresponding authors of the selected papers during June 5 to 10, 2022.

Contact Information

Phone: 0431-85166059



The Center for Quantitative Economics of Jilin University




Journal of Quantitative and Technical Economics

International Review of Economics and Finance

The Journal of Quantitative Economics


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