Symposium Guide——The Ninth International Symposium of Quantitative Economics, 2020(Changchun, China)

Symposium Guide——The Ninth International Symposium of Quantitative Economics, 2020(Changchun, China)

Published:2020-08-20 20:05:23 Author:


The Ninth International Symposium of Quantitative Economics, 2020(Changchun, China)

Symposium Guide



The Ninth International Symposium of Quantitative Economics, 2020 (Changchun, China) is scheduled to be held online from August 26 to 30, 2020. The symposium is committed to creating a high-level academic platform for global economists to exchan-ge creative and original opinions, and discuss new ideas, and present the latest cutting-edge research results. During the confere-nce, parallel online sessions will be available for a few interesting topics. In addition, International Workshop of Quantitative  Economics, Jilin University, will be held. The speakers in this workshop are distinguished professors from both domestic and    overseas.


The symposium’s major concerns are the recent developments in the theory and methodology of quantitative economics as well as the applications of these developments in all areas of economics. The symposium  will hold 10 sessions and 4 doctoral  forum-s. The agenda of the symposium will be updated continuously before the symposium. Please click the following link to  downl-oad it. The forums and lectures will be held through the ZOOM conference room. Please download the latest version of   the     ZOOM software in advance.


Link 1: Meeting agenda _ongoing update

Attachment 1-4 

Link 2: zoom operating guide

Attachment 5


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