Members of Center for Quantitative Economics of Jilin University

Yin Zhong

Family name:                    Yin

First name:                        Zhong

Gender:                              Male

Nationlity:                          Chinese

Title:                                   Associate Professor

Date of birth:                     November 29,1985

Office Location:                3019, Kuangyaming Building


Rearserch Fields:

Macro financial decision and risk management, behavioral finance and corporate governance, asset pricing

Educational Background:

B.A.,BusinessSchool at Jilin University (Department of Financial Management), June 2008

M.A.,Business School at Jilin University (Department of Quantitative Economic), June 2010

Ph.D., Business School at Jiin University (Department of Quantitative Economic), June 2014


[1] Yin Zhong, Sun Mengchen, Wu Yibo. Can targeted poverty alleviation policies ease the financing constraints of Chinese enterprises? based on a policy - oriented corporate social responsibility perspective, Journal of Northeastern University (Social Science),2021, 23 (6):32-39.

[2] Yin Zhong, Liu Jinquan. The trade-off between monetary policy and macro-prudential policy under the financial stability objectives, Academic Exchange,2017,No.280(07):132-136.

[3] Yin Zhong, Liu Jinquan. Analysis of the Nonlinear Correlation mechanism between Financial Stability and Price Stability in China, Contemporary Economic Research,2017,No.262(06):56-63.

[4] Yin Zhong, Liu Jinquan, Zhang Du. Nonlinear correlation mechanism between financial stability and economic growth in China,  Journal of Northeastern University (Social Science), 2017,12(02):140-146.

[5] Liu Jinquan, Yin Zhong, Pang Chunyang. Quantitative research and fluctuation situation analysis of China's growth economic cycle, Social Science Front,2014,No.230(08):81-95.

[6] Liu Jinquan, Yin Zhong, Pang Chunyang. The Effectives and Term structure of active fiscal policy, China Industrial economics, 2014, No.315(6):31-43.

[7] Ma Xintian, Liu Jinquan, Yin Zhong. China's economic cycle volatility and persistence measure baed on multi-resolution wavelet, Heilongjiang Social Sciences,2013,No.138(03):58-61.

[8] Liu Jinquan, Yin Zhong, Liu Huiyue. Analysis on the Frontier of "New Economics" Theory, Economic Perspectives,2013,No.625(03):129-135.

[9] Yin Zhong, Liu Jinquan, Ma Xintian. Analysis of dynamic correlation between inflation uncertainty and economic fluctuation in China, Social Science Journal,2012,No.203(06):135-139.

[10] Wang Zhuoyu, Wu Xiang, Yin Zhong. Correlation between China's Cultural Industry and Economic Growth, Information Science, 2012, 30(11):1662-1667.

[11] Liu Jinquan, Yin Zhong. The correlation between fixed asset investment and economic growth in China, Social Science Journal,2012,No.198(01):131-134.

[12] Liu Jinquan, Liu Han, Yin Zhong. Application of mixed frequency data Model in China's macro economy: An Empirical Study based on MIDAS Model, Economic Science, 2010,No.79(5):23-34.