Members of Center for Quantitative Economics of Jilin University

Name: Liu Yuhong

Gender: Male

Nationlity: Chinese 

  Date of birth: 1969-08-15

  Job Title: Associate Professor

  Education: Graduate Student

  Email: yuhong@jlu.


1991.09, Graduated from the Department of Geology, Changchun Institute of Geology, obtained a Bachelor of Engineering;

1999.12, Graduated from the School of Management of Tianjin University with a Master of Business Administration degree in business administration  ;

2007.12, Graduated from the Jilin University economics major with a doctorate in economics ;


Since 1991 to 2000, Personnel Office of Changchun Institute of Geology (Changchun University of Science and technology) ;

Since 2000 to 2001, Jilin University Chaoyang Campus Personnel Office;

Sinco 2001 to present, Department of Marketing, School of Business and management, Jilin University;
Main Research Results:
[1] Liu Yuhong, Liu Xinrong. Institutional game and path selection to solve the problem of intergenerational equity of resources, seeking, 2014(11) : 105-109.

[2] Zhang Yishan, Zhao Liwen, Liu Yuhong, Gao Liyuan. On the basic direction of state-owned enterprise reform, Journal of Social Science, Jilin University, 2018(3) : 51 -59.

[3] Liu Yuhong, Zhang Yishan. The economic power of human capital and the distribution of enterprise surplus, learning and exploration, 2013(5) : 81-84.

[4] Liu Yuhong, Zhang Yishan. Power-based price formation, learning and exploration, 2011(2) : 162-165.[5] Liu Yuhong, du Yushin, Wang Xiqing. Institutional thinking on solving intergenerational resource problems, 2010(1) : 21-26.[6] Liu Yuhong, Zhan Shihong. The research on the relationship between the increase of commodity house price and macroeconomic factors in our country, productivity research, 2012(12) : 120-122.