Members of Center for Quantitative Economics of Jilin University


Name: Zhang Xiu-e

Date of Birth: 1963-10-28

Title: Professor

Department: Department of organization and strategy management

Education: Postgraduate

Policital Status: Party member of Communist Party of China




Ms. Zhang Xiu-e, Doctor in Theoretical Economics, Post-doctor in Applied Economics, Professor, Doctoral Advisor on Enterprise Management and Co-supervisor for Post-doctor at School of Business and Management of Jilin University, Outstanding Professor of "Kuang Yaming scholar" of Jilin University. Dr. Zhang is a member of the Decision-making Advisory Committee of Jilin Provincial Party Committee, a member of the Decision-making Advisory Committee of Jilin Provincial People's Government, a member of Tongxin Think Tank of CPPCC Jilin Committee, a member of the Decision-making Advisory Committee of Songyuan Municipal Party Committee, Expert in high-end think tanks in Songyuan, and Vice President of Jilin International Economic and Trade Association. Dr. Zhang is one of the Ten Thousand Outstanding Mentors for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Education in China, Expert for the construction of entrepreneurship incubation bases in Jilin Province, Expert for innovation capacity construction projects in Jilin Province, Expert for the evaluation of provincial special funds to be put into storage, Expert Judge for the “Internet+” College Students’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition of Chinese and international. Dr. Zhang is also the Appraisal Expert for the National Social Science Project, and the Appraisal Expert for the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Projects of the Ministry of Education.

Dr. Zhang has published ten books, including Entrepreneurial Management, Entrepreneurship, Introduction to China's Foreign Economic and Trade Development, etc. Dr. Zhang has published over 300 articles in both Chinese and international key academic journals. Dr. Zhang has authored over 20 consulting reports, which were adopted by the relevant authorities as important reference for policy formulation, and submitted papers to many international conferences. Dr. Zhang presided over and completed over 100 projects ranging from national level projects, ministerial and provincial-level projects, international cooperation projects and entrusted projects for enterprises and institutions. Dr. Zhang has won over 20 provincial-level scientific research achievements and teaching achievements awards.

Dr. Zhang mainly focuses on research relating to entrepreneurship and innovation management, strategic management and business management theory. Dr. Zhang is the speaking professor for courses for doctoral degree candidates, master degree candidates, undergraduates, EMBA, IMBA, MBA and EDP senior management training course at School of Business and Management of Jilin University.

Educational Background

2009.12-2010.02 Senior research scholar, co-researching in Ruhr-Universität Bochum in Germany

2008.03-2008.03 Studied at the Central Party School of the Communist Party of China

2007.09-2007.11 Senior research scholar, co-researching in Ruhr-Universität Bochum in Germany

2003.12-2008.04 Post-doctor, Post-doctor Center for Applied Economics of Jilin University

2000.09-2003.07 Doctor of Economics, Northeast Asia Research Institute of Jilin University

1994.01-1995.04 Senior visiting scholar in Germany, Sino-Germany Government Exchange Program

1996.09-1999.06 Master of Economics, School of Economics of Jilin University

1992.09-1993.08 German language, Sino-Germany Language Training Centre, Beijing University of Economic and Business

1980.09-1984.07 Bachelor of Economics, Jilin Institute of Finance and Trade


Work Experiences

2005.09 Awarded as Doctoral Advisor

2001.01 Promoted to Professor

1997.01 Promoted to Associate Professor

2021.12-current Professor and Doctoral Advisor, School of Business and Management of Jilin University

2003.05-2021.12 Professor and Doctoral Advisor, School of Business of Jilin University

2010.10-2011.09 Deputy Director, MBA Education Centre, School of Business of Jilin University

2009.01.2010.09 Director, Employment Guidance Centre, School of Business of Jilin University

2003.05-2008.12 Deputy Director, Institute of Business Administration, School of Business of Jilin University

1984.08-2003.05 Vice President, Foreign Economics and Business College of Jilin University

Research Interests

Entrepreneurial and Innovation Management,Strategic Management, Enterprise Management Theories


Lecture Course

1. Advanced Management. Teaching object: doctoral and master's students

2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management. Teaching object: MBA

3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management Theory. Teaching object: doctoral and master's students

4. Business Model Design and Innovation. Teaching object: master's students

5. Strategic Management. Teaching object: MBA

6. Thesis Writing Guidance. Teaching object: doctoral and master's students and MBA

7. Entrepreneurship. Teaching object: undergraduate students

8. Innovation Management. Teaching object: undergraduate students

9. Business Model Innovation. Teaching object: undergraduate students

10. Management Consulting. Teaching object: undergraduate students

11. Strategic Planning and Consulting. Teaching object: undergraduate students

12. International Enterprise Management. Teaching object: undergraduate students