Members of Center for Quantitative Economics of Jilin University

Name:Dayu Liu

Gender: Male

Date of birth:1988-12-16

Title & Position:Professor

Research Fields:

Macroeconomic Econometric Analysis, Economic Cycle, Monetary Policy and Inflation

Personal Profile:

Liu Dayu, PhD in Economics (Quantitative Economics), professor of Jilin University Business School and Jilin University Quantitative Economics Research Center. Since September 2016, he has been teaching in the Department of Quantitative Economics of the School of Business. He is mainly engaged in related research in the field of macroeconomic econometric analysis. The research direction is business cycle, monetary policy and inflation. In Journal of Cleaner Production (IF:7.246, TOP Journal in Environment Economics), Economic Modelling (SSCI Second District, Economic SSCI citation rate ranking 40/397), in the international authoritative academic journals International Journal of Economics & Finance, Empirical Economics, Journal of Asian Pacific Economy, as well as authoritative journals of Chinese economics "World Economy", "Quantitative Economics and Technical Economics", "Chinese Industrial Economy", "Financial and Trade Economics", "Economist", "Dynamics of Economics", "International "Financial Research" published more than 40 papers. Independently presided over a number of national and provincial-level scientific research projects, including general projects funded by the National Social Science Fund, key research projects of the National Bureau of Statistics, soft science projects of the Jilin Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation projects, and won the 2017 Jilin Province Excellent Doctor Dissertation Award, 2014 Jilin Province Excellent Master Thesis Award and Changchun City Outstanding Social Science Achievement Award and other provincial and ministerial awards.


B.A., Business School at Jilin University (Department of accounting), June 2011

M.A., Business School at Jilin University (Department of quantitative economics), June 2013

Ph.D., Business School at Jilin University (Department of quantitative economics), June 2016

English Publications:

  1. Liu, D., Song, Y., Chen, D., 2022. Time-varying comparison of the effectiveness of China’s price- and quantity-based monetary policy tools: An empirical analysis based on the TVP-FA-S-VAR model. Journal of  the Asia Pacific Economy, Publish online DOI: 10.1080/13547860.2022.2082162.(SSCI)

  2. Ding Y., Liu Z., Liu D.,2022. Structural news shock, financial market uncertainty and China's  business fluctuations. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal , 2022. (SSCI,Q2)

  3. Song Y., Liu D.*, Wang Q., 2021. Identifying characteristic changes in club convergence of china's urban pollution emission: A spatial-temporal feature analysis. Energy Economics , 98, nO. 105243. (SSCI,Q1)

  4. Liu, D., Song, Y., Liu, D., Liu, Z., 2020. What drives China’s business cycle fluctuations? Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, publish online, 2020.12.22, (SSCI)

  5. Liu, D., He, Y., Wang, Q., 2021. Urban spatial structure evolution and smog management in China: A re-examination using nonparametric panel model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 285, No. 124847 (SSCI, Q1, Top journal in environmental economics, IF: 7.246)

  6. Song, Y., Liu, D.*, Wang, Q., 2020. The dual-financial-threshold effect in the ‘club convergence’ of economic growth: A dynamic panel threshold model. Empirical Economics, pubish online, 2020.10.30, (SSCI, Q2)

  7. Liu, D., Wang, Q., Song, Y., 2020. China’s business cycle at the provincial level: National synchronization, interregional coordination, and provincial idiosyncrasy. International Review of Economics & Finance, 69: 629-650. (SSCI, Q2,)

  8. Liu D., Xu, N., Zhao, T., Song, Y., 2018, Identifying the nonlinear correlation between business cycle and monetary policy rules: Evidence from China and the U.S. Economic Modelling, 73: 45-54.(SSCI Second Tier, Citation Rank 41/397).(SSCI)

  9. Liu D., Zhao, T. 2017. A study on the nonlinear correlation between the Chinese and US business cycles and the monetary policy rule, The Frontiers in Economic and Management Research, 1-26.

Major Chinese Publications:

  1. Xu Man,Deng Chuang & Liu Dayu. Digital Economy Leading High-quality Economic Development: Mechanism and Prospect. Contemporary Economy & Management , 2023 (02).

  2. Liu, D., et al. Time-varying Characteristics and Instability of the Correlation Mechanism between China’s Business Cycle and Financial Cycle: A Re-examination from the Angle of Precise Measurement. Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economy , 2022 (12).

  3. Liu, D., et al. A Time-varying Estimation and Decomposition of the Long-term Trend on China's Economic Growth. The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economy , 2022 (07).

  4. Chen Wanying,Liu Jinquan & Liu Dayu. Pseudo-output Gap, Real Taylor Rule and the Central Bank’s Interval  Regulation. Statistical Research , 2022 (10).

  5. Liu, D., et al. Identifying the Mystery of China's Declining Labor Participation Rate among Working-age Population:Informal Care or "Being NEETs"? Population Research , 2022 (05).

  6. Zhou Kai,Liu Dayu. Credit Expansion Structure,LPR Reform and Interest Rate Liberalization: A Theoretical Analysis Framework. Reform of Economic System , 2021 (06).

  7. Liu, D., et al. Digital Economy and Economic Growth from Regional Perspective:Growth Threshold or Growth Bottleneck? Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University(Social Sciences) , 2021 (11).

  8. Liu Dayu & Xu Bin. Linkage Mechanism and Transmission Network of China’s Regional Economic Growth: Geese Array Distribution and Zone Polarization. Finance & Economics , 2021 (12).

  9. Liu, D., et al. Does the Ceiling Breakdown of the “Interest Rate Corridor” Change the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy?--On the Central Bank's Control Preferences during the Period of Economic Rebound. China Soft Science , 2021 (12).

  10. Liu, D., et al. Formation Mechanism of the Downward Movement of China’s Business Cycle Comparative Study based on Growth Interval and the New Normal Period. The Economist , 2020 (8).

  11. Liu, D., et al. Uncertainty Shocks, Industrial Fluctuations and Macro-Control: Evidence from the Comparison of Three Typical Epidemic Periods. Zhejiang Social Sciences , 2020 (9).

  12. Liu, D., et al. Weak Deflationary Illusion, CPI Bias and Core Inflation. Financial Theory & Policy, 2018 (7).

  13. Liu, D., et al. Study on the Trend Characteristics of China's Economic Cycle Fluctuations under the New Normal and Its Driving Factors. Jianghai Academic Journal, 2017 (3)

  14. Liu, D., et al. The Dynamic Correlation Mechanism between Business Cycle and Ruled Monetary Policy: Evidence from the Typical Stage of Economic Fluctuations in China. Economic Review, 2017 (3).

  15. Liu, D., et al. A Real-time Comparison of the Effectiveness of Price-based and Quantity-based Monetary Policy Instruments in China and Its Policy Residual Information Estimation. Economic Perspectives, 2016 (10).

  16. Liu, D., et al. Macro-control under the "New Normal" of China's Economy: An Empirical Analysis Based on the Changes of World Economic Boom. The Economist , 2016 (10).

  17. Liu, D., et al. RMB Real Exchange Rate and China’s Industrial Structure Adjustment: A Deviation from Law of One Price or Relative Price Fluctuation. Journal of International Trade, 2015 (5).

  18. Liu, D., et al. RMB Exchange Rate Volatility and the Choice of Nominal Interest Rate Regulation Model. Modern Economic Research , 2019 (10).

  19. Liu, D., et al. A Test of Time-Varying Characteristics of Fiscal, Monetary and World Economic Shocks - An Empirical Analysis Based on TVP-VAR Model. The Journal of Quantitative Economics, 2016 (12).

  20. Liu, J., Liu, D., & Xu, N. A Study on the Asymmetry of Inflation Cost and the Dynamic Controlling Patterns of Monetary Policy. The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 2015 (12).

  21. Liu, J., Liu, D., & Zhang, D. Finance and Finance Asset Price Dislocation and Monetary Policy Regulation: heoretical analysis and policy simulation. Economic Perspectives, 2015 (7).

  22. Liu, J., Liu, D., & Zhang, D. The Trends of "Soft Landing" of the Fluctuation of China’s Economic Cycles and the Evaluation on Duration Period. The Economist, 2015 (6).

  23. Liu, J., Liu, D., & Fu, W. A Study on the Correlation between Financial Institution Fragility and Economic Growth in Different Regimes. Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences, 2015 (2).

  24. Liu, J., Liu, D. A Migration Test of Influence Mechanism of Monetary Policy on Financial Stability. Commercial research, 2014 (9).

  25. Liu, J., Liu, D. A Study on the Non-linear Correlative Mechanism of Rural Financial Development and Agricultural Economic Growth-An Empirical PLSTR Test Based on Province Level Panel Data. The Journal of Quantitative, 2015 (3).

  26. Liu, T., Zhang, S., & Liu, D. Offshore Undertaking, Routine Biased Technological Change and Wage Polarization. Finance & Trade Economics, 2021 (2)

  27. Zhang, S., Liu, T., & Liu, D. Core Inflation Structure Changes and Sector Core Inflation Decomposition in China. The Journal of World Economy, 2021 (1).

  28. Wang, Q., Liu, J. & Liu, D. Convergence Characteristics and Spatial Spillover Test of Provincial Economic Growth in China. World Economic Papers, 2020 (3).

  29. Wang, Q., Liu, J. & Liu, D. The Threshold Effect of Financial Development in the Formation of Club Convergence:Analysis Based on Dynamic Panel Threshold Model. Nankai Economic Studies, 2020 (1)

  30. Wang, Q., Liu, J. & Liu, D. Consistent Fluctuation,Regional Coordinated Development and Idiosyncratic Divergence of Provincial Business Cycles in China. China Industrial Economics, 2019 (10).

  31. Liu, Y., Liu, D. & Wang, J. Why the Asset Price Bubble Periodically Collapsing?--Structural Explanation Based on Market Sentiment. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), 2018 (9).

  32. Liu, J., Li, B. & Liu, D. Time-varying Effects of the World Business Cycle on China’s Economic Cycle: An Empirical Analysis Based on TVP-VAR Model. International Economics and Trade Research, 2018 (9).

  33. Wu, X., Liu, D. Does China Factors Have an Impact on International Commodity Price Fluctuations?—Empirical Test Based on TVP-VAR Model. The Journal of Quantitative Economics, 2018 (9).

  34. Liu, J., Wang, Q. & Liu, D. The Path Breakthrough of Escaping the “Middle-income Trap” in China: Based on an Identification Method of Growth Convergence Theory and “Two-wheel Drive” Test, Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, 2018 (1).

  35. Liu, J., Xu, N., & Liu, D. Asset Price Misalignments and Monetary Rules-A Re-examination Based on Modified Tobin’s Q Theory. Studies of International Finance, 2017(5).

  36. Fu, Y., Liu D., & Sui, J. Research on the Transmission Mechanism of my country's Foreign Exchange Reserves' Influence on Inflation. Inquiry into Economic Issues, 2016 (12).

  37. Liu, J., Xu, N., & Liu, D. Does the Expectation of Federal Reserve Interest Rates Raising Cause Asset Price Fluctuations in China?—Based on Empirical Evidence of the RMB Exchange Rate Transmission Path. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), 2016 (7).

  38. Liu, J., Tang, S., & Liu, D. Analysis of the Inertial Characteristics of Banking System Fragility and Its Macroscopic Influencing Factors. Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition, 2016 (5).

  39. Liu, J., He, S., & Liu D. Does Foreign Exchange Reserve Reduction have Deflation Effects. Financial Science, 2016(3).

  40. Liu, J., Xu, N., & Liu D. A Study on the Non-linear Correlative Mechanism of Rural Financial Development and Agricultural Economic Growth: Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Test. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University (Social Sciences Edition), 2016 (3).

  41. Liu, J., Pan, C., & Liu D. Study on the Time-Varying Impact Mechanism of Economic Growth and Money Supply on the Vulnerability of Banking System. Social Sciences Front, 2015 (12).

  42. Liu, J., Fu, W., & Liu D. Dynamic Fluctuation Mechanism of China's Economic Growth Rate -- An Empirical Study Based on TVP-VAR Model. Shanghai Economic Research , 2014 (5)

Sponsored Research Projects:

  1. General projects funded by NSFC in the later stage :Research on the basic situation, convergence characteristics and economic policy regulation mechanism of China's economic cycle fluctuation

  2. National key research project of Statistical Science :Hierarchical construction, structural decomposition and trend prediction of quality based economic cycle indicators in China

  3. General project of Jilin Social Science Foundation :Study on the influencing factors of rural college students' citizenization willingness in Jilin Province

  4. Soft science project of Jilin Provincial Department of science and technology :Research on financial support policies for accelerating the development of agricultural economy in Jilin Province

  5. General program of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation :Research on the trend, volatility and convergence of economic growth under the new normal

  6. Horizontal entrusted project of Bank of Jilin :Research on the development strategy of investment banking and asset management business