Members of Center for Quantitative Economics of Jilin University

Jin Chunyu



Name: Jin Chunyu

Ethnicity: Han

Title: Professor

Birthplace: Jilin Province

Department: Quantitative Economics

Political Status:  Cpc member

Month of Birth: 1965.3

Academic Qualification: Ph.D.

Title: Professor

Position: PHD Supervisor

E-mail Address:

Tel: 19904318914


Work Experience:

2002-now: Professor and PhD Supervisor, School of Business and Management, Jilin University

  Researcher, Center for Quantitative Economics of Jilin University

2013-2014: Visiting Scholar, Texas A&M University

2004-2007: Postdoctor, Postdoctoral Research Station of Applied Economics, Jilin University

1997-2002: Associate Professor, Jilin University

1992-1997: Lecturer, Jilin University

1985-1992: Assistant Professor, Jilin Agricultural University


Education Background:

2013-2014: Visiting Scholar, Texas A&M University

2004-2007: Post Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Station of Applied Economics, Jilin University

1999-2003: Ph.D., School of Economics and Trade, Northeast Agricultural University

1990-1993: M.A., Economic System Analysis Direction, Jilin Agricultural University

1981-1985: B.A., School of Mathematics and Statistics, Northeast Normal University



Recent Academic Achievements:


1. Jin Chunyu, Zhang Long, Jia Pengfei. Monetary Policy Rules, Policy Space and Policy Effects. Economic. Research Journal, 2018 (7): 47-58.

2. Jin Chunyu, Lan Zhongting. Empirical Test of the Fisher Effect in China: Based on Time Varying Rank and Time Varying Coefficient VECM Model. The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 2017 (6) : 87-103.

3. Jin Chunyu, Zhang Long. The Shocks of Federal Reserve's Monetary Policy on China's Economy. China Industrial Economics, 2017 (1): 25-42.

4. Jin Chunyu Wu Anbing. Research on Regional Asymmetry of Monetary Policy from the Perspective of Financial Situation-Analysis of PSTR Model Based on G20 Country. Studies of International Finance, 2017 (9): 14-24.

5. Jin Chunyu, Zhang Long. Analysis of the Heterogeneity of Monetary Policy: Based on the Perspective of Purely Quantitative Analysis. World Economy Studies, 2018 (1): 20-33.

6. Jin Chunyu, Lan Zhongting. A Time Varying Coefficient Cointegration Regression Model and Its Empirical Analysis. The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 2016 (6): 144-161.

7. Jin Chunyu, Liu Pengyu. How Does Financial Credit Channel Affect the Policy Effect of Interest Rate Reduction?:Division of Economic Cycle Stages Based on Mixed Frequency Data Model. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University(Social Sciences), 2023.3.

8. Jin Chunyu, Xu Yueyue. Fiscal Policy Choices under the Impact of COVID19 Epidemic:Analysis Based on Nonlinear NKDSGE ModelInquiry Into Economic Issues, 2023(01): 130-143.

9. Jin Chunyu, Xu Yueyue.The Coordination between Fiscal and Monetary Policies under the Macroeconomic Governance System: An Analysis from the Dual Perspectives of Fiscal Policy Intensity and Structure. Contemporary Finance & Economics, 2023(03): 28-40.

10. Jin Chunyu, Xu Yueyue. Research on Macroeconomic Effect of Exchange Rate Guided by Expectation: Based on the Test of FSR-BVAR Model. East China Economic Management, 2022(01): 88-98.

11. Jin Chunyu, Sun Yujiao. Research on Macro Debt Risk under the Target of Stable Growth. Modern Economic Research, 2023(05):1-10.

12. Jin Chunyu, Dong Xue. Non-Linear Impact Effects of China’s Tax Policy on Economic Growth -- From Aggregate and Structure Perspectives. Public Finance Research, 2021 (04):116-128.

13. Jin Chunyu, Dong Xue. Research on the Effective Combination of China's Monetary and Macro-Prudential Policies under the "Two-pillar" Policy Framework. Modern Economic Research, 2021 (04):56-65.

14. Wu Anbin, Jin Chunyu. The Influence of Monetary Policy and Output Shock on the Real Exchange Rate Fluctuation of RMB. Studies of International Finance, 2019 (12):23-32.

15. JIN Chunyu, ZHANG Deyuan. The Comparative Study on Macroeconomy Effects of Different Types of Economic Policy Uncertainty in China. Modern Economic Science, 2020, 42(02):45-58.

16. JIN Chunyu, WANG Wei. China’s Financial Market Independence and Its Asymmetric Effect on Real Economy. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), 2020,40(04):71-79.

17. Jin Chunyu, Dong Xue. Study on the Different Periods Macroeconomic Effects of Tax Structure in China. Inquiry into Economic Issues, 2020 (08):1-10.

18. JIN Chunyu, DONG Xue. Research on the Factor Driven Mechanism of China’s Taxation Structure Promoting Economic Growth: High-dimensional Computing Application Based on LT-TVP-VAR Model. Statistics & Information Forum, 2020, 35 (12):93-102.

19. Jin Chunyu, Zhang Deyuan. The Analysis of Time-varying Bidirectional Spillover Effects of Macroeconomic Uncertainty in the World's Major Economies. Inquiry into Economic Issues,2019, 8: 104-115.

20. Jin Chunyu, Zhang Deyuan. Time-varying Shock Effect of China’s Macroeconomic Uncertainty. Journal of capital university of economics and business (bimonthly),2019,21(04):12-22.

21. Jin Chunyu, Dong Xue. Financial Stability and Effectiveness of Three Types of Macro-Prudential Policies. Finance & Economics,2019(04):1-12.

22. Jin Chunyu, Zhang Deyuan. The Macro-Adjustment and Control Effect of Monetary Policy under the Condition of Economic Uncertainty in China. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University(Social Sciences), 2019(02):1-11.

23. Jin Chunyu, Wu Anbing. A Study on the Applicability of Time-Varying Taylor Rule in China's Monetary Policy under the Condition of Open Economy. World Economy Studies, 2017 (8): 84-97.

24. Jin Chunyu, Wang Weiqiang. An Analysis of the Linkages between Fiscal Policy's Effects and Business Cycle Fluctuation in China. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), 2017 (3): 28-35.

25. Jin Chunyu, Zhang Long. Asymmetric Effects of Federal Reserve's Monetary Policy on RMB Exchange Market Pressure. Finance & Economics, 2017 (4): 1-13.

26. Jin Chunyu, Wu Anbing. A Study on the Periodic Characteristics of China's Financial Market Fluctuation and Its Macroeconomic Effect. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), 2017 (5): 1-11.

27. Zhang Long , Jin Chunyu. The Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Quantitative and Price-based Monetary Policy Tools. China Industrial Economics, 2018 (1): 119-136.

28. Jin Chunyu, Wang Weiqing. Study on the Different Periods' Microeconomic Effects of Fiscal Policy in China. Journal of Xi' an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), 2016 (3): 31-39.

29. Jin Chunyu, Wu Anbing. An empirical study on the nonlinear effects of industrial economic structure and economic growth on environmental pollution. China Population.Resources and Environment, 2017 (10): 64-73.

30. Jin Chunyu, Cheng Hao and Li Qi. Empirical Analysis on the Non-linear Relationship between the Externalities of Manufacturing Agglomeration and Economic Growth -- Based on the Panel Smoothing Migration Model,Study & Exploration, 2015(12):117-122.

31. Jin Chunyu, Wang Weiqing. Does Pollution Haven Hypothesis Exist in China --An Empirical Test Based on Spatial Victor Auto-regressive Model. Journal of International Trade, 2016 (8): 108-118.

32. Jin Chunyu, Wang Weiqing. Is It Reasonable for China to Continuously Expand Fiscal Deficit under the New Normal?--Empirical Test Based on Time-varying Cointegration Model. Inquiry into Economic Issues, 2016 (11): 7-15.

33. Jin Chunyu, Zhang Long, Wang Jinming. The Nonlinear Effect of China's Monetary Policy on Industrial Structure Optimization. Inquiry Into Economic Issues, 2017 (9): 1-11.

34. Jin Chunyu, Wang Weiqiang. Study on the Sustainability of Local Governments' Fiscal Policies in China. Contemporary Economic Research, 2018 (7): 76-83.

35. Jin Chunyu, Zhang Haobo. An Econometric Test on the Time Varying Effects of Monetary Policy on Stock Market Liquidity An Empirical Analysis Based on TVP-VAR Model. Management Review, 2016 (3): 20-32.

36. Jin Chunyu, ZhnangHaobo. The Size Effect,Value Effect and Asymmetric Effect of Liquidity Premium in Chinese Stock Market. On Economic Problems, 2017 (1): 48-54.

37. Jin Chunyu, Zhang Haobo. Research on the Spillover Effect of the Liquidity of China's Stock Market Industry Sector. Economic Review, 2016 (12): 103-106.

38. Jin Chunyu, Wang Weiqing. Spatial autocorrelation and influencing factors of the tourism development in China: Empirical evidence from MESS model.Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2016 (8):198-202.

39. Jin Chunyu, Chen Xia, Wang Weiqing.Analysis of the Spatial Agglomeration of the Service Industries and Their Specialization Change Trend and Spatial Effect in Eight Economic Areas in China. Contemporary Economic Research, 2016 (7): 73-83.

40. Jin Chunyu, Cheng Hao. Threshold Effect of Manufacturing Agglomeration on Economic Growth in Japan. Contemporary Economy OF Japan, 2016 (6): 54-67.

41. Jin Chunyu, Wang Weiqing. Research on the Nonlinear Effects of Technology Spillover from FDI on the High-Tech Industry in China: An Empirical Study Based on the Panel Data of Domestic Enterprises and Foreign Venture Enterprises on 13 Segmented Industries. Industrial Economic Review, 2016 (5): 41-50.

42. Jin Chunyu, Zhang Haobo. An Analysis of the Dynamic Relationship between Monetary Policy and Stock Market Liquidity and the Asymmetric Effects of Monetary Policy on Stock Market Liquidity Risk in China. Economic Survey, 2016 (2): 150-155.

43. Jin Chunyu, Wang Wei, Liu Yang. Based on the CWT Method an Analysis of the Price Discovery Function of Chinese Soybean Futures Market and the Price Linkage of US Soybean Futures Market and China's Spot Market. The Journal of Quantitative Economics, 2016 (2): 149-165.

44. Jin Chunyu, Wang Weiqing. Research on Differences Exist of Total Factor Productivity Growth in Three Major Urban Agglomerations of China under Environmental ConstraintBased on Global Malmquist-Luenberger Index. Shanghai Journal of Economics, 2016 (1): 3-12.