Members of Center for Quantitative Economics of Jilin University

Family name:Guo 

First name:Ying tong



Title:Associate professor

Date& place of birth:March 17,1972,in Jilin Province

Personal profile:

In 1990-1994 College of Foreign Languages, Jilin University, obtained a bachelor's degree in 1994

In 1998-2000 The national government sent to study at Otagu University in New Zealand and obtained a master's degree in 2000.

In 2001-2006 Ph.D. in quantitative economics from Jilin University, Ph.D. in 2006

In 1994-1998 Jilin University Foreign Language College

Since 2000, Jilin University Business School teaches

Academic achievements

  1. Zhao Liwen, Guo Yingtong, Xu Ziqi.Changes in Industrial Structure and Income Gap between Urban and Rural Residents2018(8):38-44

  2. Guo Yingtong,Guo Hui.The Influence of Human Capital Quality on the Convergence of Regional Economic Growth from the Perspective of Space[J].Social Sciences Research.2017(06):31-38

  3. Guo Yingtong, Yang Chengrong, Cao Jia.Effect of Government Governance Mechanism on Regional Economic Convergence in China[J].Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences),2017(04):8-18

  4. Guo Yingtong, Zhang Yishan, Zhao Xiaobo. The Argument of Leaping over the "Middle Income Trap"--An Answer Based on the Research of Growth Potential, Exploring Economic Issues, 2016(12):1-9

  5. Guo Yingtong, Li Bin. The Impact of Urbanization on the Productivity of China's Automobile Industry, Economic Aspect, 2013(11): 53-56

  6. R. J. Alexander,Guo Yingtong.The Precautionary Savings Motive in China: Evidence from a Dynamic Panel Model,Pacific Journal of Economics & Business,2012(8):17-32

  7. Guo Yingtong.The Impact of Income Uncertainty on China's Urban Residents' Consumption Behavior——An Empirical Study Based on Buffer Reserve Model, Consumer Economy, 2011(12):52-56

  8. Guo Yingtong, Zhang Yuhong. Misunderstandings and Ways Out in Expanding Domestic Demand Research, Scientific Socialism, 2010(10): 110-113

  9. Evaluation of the application and effect of macroeconomic policies in the EU. Guo Yingtong, Jilin University Press.

  10. Guo Yingtong. An Empirical Test of Social Endowment Insurance System on the Saving Behavior of Chinese Residents, Consumer Economy, 2007(6): 39-41

  11. Guo Yingtong, Li Wei. Application of Buffer Reserve Model to Empirically Test the Saving Behavior of Chinese Residents, Research on Quantitative Economics and Technology, 2006(8): 127-135