Members of Center for Quantitative Economics of Jilin University

Ding Zhiguo

Professor of Finance

Born on July 1968 (Jilin, China)

Office: Rm. 3048, Kuang Yaming Building


Research Interests

Financial Market; Investment; International Finance; Personal Finance; Rural Finance


Professor of Finance, Center for Quantitative Economics of Jilin University, and Business School of Jilin University, China, 2009-.

Associate Professor of Finance, Business School of Jilin University, China, 2006-2008.

Lecturer in Finance, Business School of Jilin University, China, 2004-2006.

Other Appointments

Director of the Rural Finance Research Center of Jilin University

Director of Jida Holdings Limited

Member of the Academic Committee of China Association of Certified Financial Planners

Vice President of Jilin Province Youth Entrepreneurs Association

Special experts of Changchun CPPCC

Vice President and Secretary General of Changchun Securities Investment Research Association

Selected Publications

  1. Fan Yali,Ding Zhiguo.Evolution Law and Internal Motivation of Financing Constraint of Listed Companies,Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,2019(04):149-156. (Download)

  2. Fan Yali,Ding Zhiguo,Wang Chaolu,Li Wengning.Agriculture Credit Guarantee Institutions Operating Mechanism,Journal of Agrotechnical Economics,2018(11):69-79. (Download)

  3. Ding Zhiguo,Guo Tingting.Rational Agreement: A Review of the Development of Modern Contract Theory,Study & Exploration,2018(03):114-122. (Download)

  4. Ding Zhiguo,Geng Yingtao,Zhao Jing,Ding Yuyang.An Empirical Study and Theoretical Conjecture on the Time Effect of Financial Distress of China's Listed Companies,Accounting Research,2018(02):62-68. (Download)

  5. Ding Zhiguo,Jin Bo,Xu Decai.The Test of Efficient Markets--Behavioral Finance's Criticism to EMH Theory,Contemporary Economic Research,2017(03):51-59.(Download)

  6. Ding Zhiguo,Zhang Yang,Ding Yuyang.Empirical Analysis and Theoretical Conjecture on Endogenous Time Varying Characteristics of the Agent Cost of Listed Companies,The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics,2016(9):95-111.(Download)

  7. Ding Zhiguo,Jin Bo,Xu Decai.Information Efficiency of Stock Market: from Basic Features to Theoretical Conjectures,Study & Exploration,2016(06):92-99+160. (Download)

  8. Ding Zhiguo,Geng Yingtao,Tan Zhaohui.Dynamic Characteristics of Interest Term Structure of China’s National Bonds
    Market: An Empirical Research Based on the Vasicek-AR( 1) Model,Statistical Research,2016(1):61-69. 

  9. Ding Zhiguo,Zhang Yang,Tan Zhaohui.The Path Choice and Policy Effect of Rural Finance Development in China,Issues in Agricultural Economy,2016(1):68-75+111. (Download)

  10. Ding Zhiguo,Xu Decai,Li Wenning.Identification of Stability for the Influences of Macroeconomic Variables to the Term Structure of Interest Rate,The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics,2014(9):56-74.(Download)

  11. Ding Zhiguo,Zhao Xuankai,Su Zhi.What Is the Core Driving Force of China’s Economic Growth Industrial Upgrading Directions and Path Choice Based on Resources Allocation Efficiency,China Industrial Economics,2012(9):18-30.(Download)

  12. Ding Zhiguo,Xu Decai,Zhao Jing.Does Rural Finance Efficiently Improve the Development of Rural Economic in China?,Issues in Agricultural Economy,2012(9):50-57.(Download)

  13. Ding Zhiguo,Xu Decai,Zhao Jing.The Influence Mechanism of American Monetary Policies to the Price System of China,The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics,2012(8):3-18+34.(Download)

  14. Ding Zhiguo,Xu Decai,Zhao Jing.Dynamic Transmission Mechanism of the Price System Between China and USA,Finance & Trade Economics,2012(7):103-109.(Download)

  15. Ding Zhiguo,Zhao Xuankai.From Theory to Data:The Paradigmatic Evolution of Analysis in Macroeconomics,Seeking Truth,2012(3):52-57.(Download)

  16. Ding Zhiguo,Tan Lingli,Zhao Jing.The Effect of Rural Financial Development on Poverty Reduction,Issues in Agricultural Economy,2011(11):72-77.(Download)

  17. Ding zhiguo,Zhao jing,Zhao xuankai.The Impact of International Capital Flows on China Stock Market,China Soft Science,2011(11):152-160.(Download)

  18. Ding Zhiguo,Zhao Xuankai,Zhao Jing.Direct and Spillover Effects:How does the Urbanization in China Affect the Urban-Rural Income Inequality,The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics,2011(9):118-130.(Download)

  19. Ding Zhiguo,Zhao Jing,Zhao Xunakai,Lv Changzheng.Distinguish of the Kuznets Affection between the Urban and Rural Income Gap of China and the Choice of Rural Finance Policies,Journal of Financial Research,2011(7):142-151.(Download)

  20. Ding Zhiguo,Li Xinxin,Xu Decai,Zhao Jing.Has Sub- mortgage Crisis Changed the Risk Structure of World Capital Market?,Measurement of Synergy Effects Based on Copula Functions,Scientific Decision Making,2011(5):1-13.(Download)

  21. Ding Zhiguo,Zhao Jing,Xu Decai,Zhang Xiaoye.Nominal Style and the Black Box of Portfolio--Dynamic Analysis of Fund Style with Drift Behaviors,Journal of Northeast Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences),2011(4):47-51.(Download)

  22. Lian Yujun,Su Zhi,Ding Zhiguo.Can Cash Flow Sensitivity of Cash be Used to Test the Financial Constraints Hypothesis?,Statistical Research,2008(10):92-99.(Download)

  23. Zhao Zhenquan,Ding Zhiguo,Su Zhi.Study on Horizon of Overreaction: Evidences in International Markets,Journal of Management Sciences In China,2008(6):122-130.(Download)

  24. Su Zhi,Ding Zhiguo,Fang Ming.An Innovative Study on Time-Varying Structure of Betas,The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics,2008(5):135-145.(Download)

  25. Ding Zhiguo,Su Zhi,Du Xiaoyu, Li Xiaozhou.Black Box in Decision-making: A New Guess on Modern Theory of Investor's Decision,Social Science,2007(8):29-36.(Download)

  26. Ding Zhiguo,Su Zhi,Du Xiaoyu.Study On Correlation between Business Cycle and Volatility of Security Markets in China Based on Bivariate SW-ARCH Model,The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics,2007(3):61-68+80.(Download)

  27. Ding Zhiguo,Gao Jingyi,Su Zhi,Du Xiaoyu.Study on the Circulating Sequence of Limited Shares in Shareholder Structure Reform,Economic Management China,2007(2):26-31.(Download)

  28. Ding Zhiguo,Su Zhi,Du Xiaoyu.Empirical Study for the Time-Varying Rational Expectations Hypothesis or the Overreaction Hypothesis Based on ANST-GARCH Approach: International Stock Markets Evidence,Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition,2006(2):92-98.(Download)

  29. Ding Zhiguo,Su Zhi,Du Xiaoyu.Equilibrium Formula in Shareholder Structure Reform,China Industrial Economy,2006(2):113-119.(Download)

  30. Ding Zhiguo,Su Zhi,Du Xiaoyu.Analysis of Consideration Scheme in Shareholder Structure Reform,Finance & Economics,2006(1):29-36.(Download)

  31. Zhao Zhenquan,Ding Zhiguo,Su Zhi.Empirical Comparative Study of Momentum Strategy and Contrarian Strategy in International Security Markets,China Soft Science,2005(1):120-125.(Download)

Research Projects(PI)

  1. Research on the Financial Policy in the Process of Promoting Supply-side Structural Reform(17BJY183), supported by The National Social Science Fund of China, 2017.

  2. The Evaluation of Scientific Decision and Effect of Rural Financial Reform Experiment in Jilin Province(9502041), supported by Jilin Provincial Government , 2017.

  3. Study on Inter-temporal Optimal Allocation Mechanism of Non-renewable Natural Resources(11AZD100), supported by The National Social Science Fund of China, 2011.

  4. Risk Formation Mechanism and Policy Response Path Selection of Rural Financial Ecological Environment in China(11JJD790010), supported by The Ministry of Education of China, 2011.

  5. Study on the Influence Mechanism of Beta Coefficient on Asset Pricing under Intertemporal Condition(71073067), supported by The National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2010.

  6. Research on the Impact Mechanism of International Financial Risks on Chinas Capital Market under the Condition of Financial Openness(NCET-10-0434), supported by The Ministry of Education of China, 2010.

  7. Research on the Influence of Non-tradable Share Reform on the Structure of China Securities Market(06CJL006), supported by The National Social Science Fund of China, 2006.

  8. Research on the Micro Transmission Mechanism of Information Shock and Stock Price Fluctuation under the Condition of Market Friction(2006331), supported by The Ministry of Education of China, 2006.

  9. Study on the Time-varying Mechanism of Beta Coefficient(20060390269), supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2006.


  1. Finance, China Machine Press, Beijing, The Second Edition, 2019. (Courseware Download)

  2. Finance, China Machine Press, Beijing, The First Edition, 2011.

  3. Way to Fortune, Jilin Literature Press, Changchun, 2009.