主讲人 Speaker
Prof. Brian M. Lucey
The Editor of the International Review of Economics and Finance
时间 Time
July/4/2022 16:00 (UTC+8)
地点 Venue
ZOOM ID: 9625852673
主持人 Chair
Prof. Yingtong Guo , Jilin University
Brian M. Lucey,爱尔兰都柏林三一学院金融学教授,SSCI期刊International Review of Economics and Finance,International Review of Financial Analysis的主编,Journal of Multinational Financial Management的副主编,INFINITI国际会议的发起人及主席。Lucey教授分别在都柏林三一学院、苏格兰斯特林大学获得学士和博士学位。在加入都柏林三一学院之前,Lucey教授曾担任爱尔兰中央银行经济学家和爱尔兰健康与儿童部的分析师,具有丰富的行业研究经历。Lucey教授的研究领域包括国际金融、资本结构、计量经济学、投资行为等,在Financial Review、Journal of Banking and Finance、Emerging Markets Review等国际学术权威期刊上发表了200多篇高质量学术论文。Lucey教授作为期刊主编,会议主席,学术领袖,学术造诣高深,取得了国际公认的重大影响力。
Selected Publications
Trade Policy Uncertainty and Its Impact on the Stock Market-Evidence from China-US Trade Conflict, Finance Research Letters,2021. (with He, F and Wang, ZW)
Cryptocurrency Reaction to FOMC Announcements: Evidence of Heterogeneity Based on Blockchain Stack Position, Journal of Financial Stability,2020. (with Corbet, S. ,Larkin, C ,Meegan, A and Yarovaya, L.)
Riding the Wave of Crypto-Exuberance: The Potential Misusage of Corporate Blockchain Announcements, Technological Forecasting and Social Change,2020. (with Akyildirim E., Corbet S., Cumming D. and Sensoy A.)
High Frequency Volatility Co-Movements in Cryptocurrency Markets, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money,2019. (with Katsiampa, Paraskevi and Corbet, Shaen)
Should We Invest More in Multinational Companies When Domestic Markets Decline?, Journal of Investment Strategies,2019. (with O’hagan-Luff M. and Berrill, J.)
What Sort of Asset? Bitcoin Analysed, Business Information Processing,2019. (with Corbet, S., Peat, M. and Vigne, S.)
The Effectiveness of Technical Trading Rules in Cryptocurrency Markets, Finance Research Letters,2019. (with Shaen Corbet, Veysel Eraslan and Ahmet Sensoy)
Trading Volume and the Predictability of Return and Volatility in the Cryptocurrency Market, Finance Research Letters,2019. (with Elie Bouri, Chi Keung Marco Lau and David Roubaud)
Datestamping the Bitcoin and Ethereum bubbles, Finance Research Letters,2018.(with Shaen Corbet and Larisa Yarovaya)
Bitcoin Futures—What Use are They?, Economics Letters,2018. (with Corbet, Shaen, Peat, Maurice and Vigne, Samuel)
Herding Behavior, Market Sentiment and Volatility: Will the Bubble resume?, North American Journal of Economics and Finance,2017. (with Bekiros, S., Jlassi, M., Naoui, K. and Uddin, G.S.)
Who Sets the Price of Gold? London or New York, Journal of Futures Markets,2016. (with Hauptfleisch, M. and Putniņš, T.J)
Discouraged Borrowers: Evidence for Eurozone SMEs, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money,2016. (with Mac an Bhaird, C. and Vidal, J.S.)
The Economic Impact of Higher Education Institutions in Ireland: Evidence from Disaggregated Input Output Tables, Higher Education,2016. (with Zhang, Q. and Larkin, C.)
Do Gold Prices Cause Production Costs? Evidence from Country and Company Data, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money,2016. (with O’Connor, F. and Baur, D.)
Was Islamic Art an Investment?, International Business and Finance, 2016.(with McQuilliam, M.)
Gold and Silver Manipulation: What can be Empirically Verified?, Economic Modelling ,2016.(with Batten, J. and Peat, M.)
The Financial Economics of Gold – A Review, International Review of Financial Analysis,2016. (with O’Connor, F., Batten, J., and Baur., D.)
The Global Preference for Dividends in Declining Markets, The Financial Review, 2015. (with Goldstein, M, Goyal, A, and C Muckley)
Psychological Barriers in Non-Ferrous Metals, Resources Policy,2015. (with Cummins, M. and Dowling, M.)
What precious metals act as safe havens, and when? Some US Evidence, Economics Letters ,2015. (with Li, S.)
Psychological Barriers in Oil Futures Markets, Energy Economics, 2015. (with Dowling, M. and Cummins, M.)
Is Wine a Premier Cru Investment?, International Business and Financ,2015.(with Devine, L)
Which Precious Metal Markets Spillover to Which, When and Why, Economic Letters,2014. (with Batten, J. and Ciner, C.)
Learning from the Irish Experience – A Clinical Case Study in Banking Failure, Comparative Economic Systems,2014. (with Gurdgiev, C. and Larkin, C.)
Gold Markets Around the World – Who Spills Over What, to Whom, When?, Economic Letters ,2014.(with O’Connor, Fergal A. and Larkin, Charles James)
From Hubris to Nemesis: Irish Banks, Behavioral Biases, and the Crisis, Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions ,2014. (with Dowling, M)
Culture’s Influences: An investigation of Inter-country Differences in Capital Structure, Borsa Istanbul Review ,2014. (with Mac An Bhaird, Ciaran)
Do Bubbles Occur in the Gold Price? An Investigation of Gold Lease Rates and Markov Switching Models, Borsa Istanbul Review ,2013. (with O’Connor, F)
An Empirical Study of Multiple Direct International Listings, Global Finance Journal, 2013. (with You, L. and Shu, Y.)
An Analysis of Forward Exchange Rate Biasedness Across Developed and Developing Country Currencies: Do Observed Patterns Persist out of Sample?, Emerging Markets Review, 2013. (with Loring, G.)
Do U.S. Macroeconomic Surprises Influence Equity Returns? An Exploratory Analysis of Developed Economies, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance,2013. (with Nejadmalayeri, Ali and Manohar Singh)
Time Varying Herding in European Financial and Banking Stocks: 2001 -2011, Journal of Behavioural Finance,2013. (with Handley, D)
Hedges and Safe Havens: An Examination of Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Oil and Exchange Rates, International Review of Financial Analysis ,2013. (with Ciner, C and Gurdgiev, C)
London or New York: Where and When does the Gold Price Originate? Economic Letters,2013. (with Larkin, C. and O’Connor, F)
Risk Tolerance and Demographic Characteristics: Preliminary Irish Evidence, Financial Services Review ,2013. (with C Larkin and M Mulholland)
The Structure of Gold and Silver Spread Returns, Quantitative Finance,2013. (with Batten, J. A., Ciner, C. and P Szilagyi)
CEO Social Status and Acquisitiveness, Qualitative Research in Financial Markets ,2012. (with Dowling, M and Plaksina, Y )
Gravity and Culture in Foreign Portfolio Investment, Banking and Finance,2012. (with Aggarwal, R and Kearney, C,)
Equity Market Integration in the Asia Pacific Region: Evidence from Discount Factors, International Business and Finance, 2012. (with Claus, E)