TAM-Based Study of Farmers’ Live Streaming E-Commerce Adoption Intentions

TAM-Based Study of Farmers’ Live Streaming E-Commerce Adoption Intentions

作者: 刊名:Agriculture (Basel) 时间:

TAM-Based Study of Farmers’ Live Streaming E-Commerce Adoption Intentions


Amidst the digital economy surge,livestreaminge-commerceofagricultural products has significantly boosted agricultural prosperity. Investigatingfarmers' behavioralintentionstoward adoptinglivestreaminge-commerceholds critical importance for fostering agricultural healthy and swift growth. Utilizing the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a foundation, thisstudyincorporates three additional variables-government support, platform support, and social learning-to devise a theoretical model. It takes the agriculture-relatedlivestreaminge-commerceplatform as an example, with 424 Chinesefarmersas the sample, to quantitatively assess the factors that impact theintentionsto adoptlivestreaminge-commercebehaviors. The findings indicate that, firstly, the TAM is applicable to the assessmentoffarmers'intentionsto adoptlivestreaminge-commerce. Secondly, government support positively impacts perceived usefulness, social learning enhances perceived easeofuse, and platform support positively impacts both perceived easeofuse and usefulness. Lastly, the technology acceptance extension model applicability varies among farmer groups: government support influence on perceived easeofuse is more significant among traditionalfarmers, social learning impact on perceived easeofuse is higher infarmerswith higher education levels, and platform support effect on perceived usefulness is stronger amongfarmersexperienced ine-commerce. Therefore, differentiated promotion strategies by the government are necessary, ande-commerceplatforms should leverage their technology to offer efficient services and encourage farmer education. A multi-party collaboration model involving the government, platforms, andfarmersis essential to collectively foster the healthy developmentofrurallivestreaminge-commerce.


livestreaminge-commercetechnology acceptance modelgovernment supportplatform supportsocial learning

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