刘庆丰教授——Topics in Machine Learning:Ensemble Learning and Causal Inference(2022年数量经济学国际讲习班)

刘庆丰教授——Topics in Machine Learning:Ensemble Learning and Causal Inference(2022年数量经济学国际讲习班)

发布时间:2022-07-01 22:02:33 作者/出处:

刘庆丰,日本法政大学工业与系统工程系教授。2007年获得日本京都大学经济学博士,2008年在美国普林斯顿大学金融与统筹学院做博士后研究。先后担任了日本京都大学经济研究所客座教授、美国哥伦比亚大学统计学院访问学者、日本小樽商科大学商学部经济学科教授刘庆丰教授的研究领域为计量经济学,统计学,机器学习。现为Journal of the American Statistical AssociationJournal of EconometricsEconometric Theory等期刊的审稿人。其研究成果发表在Journal of Business & Economic StatisticsEconometrics JournalEconometric ReviewsMathematics and Computers in Simulation等多个国际专业期刊,并于2017年获得国际管理工程师协会最佳论文奖。



Model Averaging for Nonlinear Regression Models, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, (2021) DOI: 10.1080/07350015.2020.1870477.(with Feng, Y., Q. Yao and G. Zhao).

Nested Model Averaging on Solution Path for High‐dimensional Linear Regression, Stat,Accepted manuscript online:24 September 2020. (with Feng, Y.).

Model Averaging Estimation for Conditional Volatility Models with an Application to Stock Market Volatility Forecast,Journal of Forecasting, (2020), 39(5): 841-863. (with Q. Yao and G. Zhao).

On the Sparsity of Mallows Model Averaging Estimator,Economics Letters, (2020), 187: 108916. (with Feng, Y.and R. Okui).

A Combination Method for Averaging OLS and GLS Estimators,Econometrics, MDPI, (2019), 7(3): 38. (with A. L. Vasnev).

Generalized Least Squares Model Averaging, Econometric Reviews, Taylor & Francis, (2016), 35(8-10):1692-1752. (with R. Okui and A. Yoshimura).

Heteroscedasticity-Robust Cp Model Averaging, The Econometrics Journal, Wiley, (2013), 16(3): 463–472. (with R. Okui).

Maximum Empirical Likelihood Estimation of Continuous-time Models with Conditional Characteristic Functions, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, (2008), 78(2-3): 341-350. (with Y. Nishiyama).

Model Averaging Estimation for GARCH Family, The Journal of quantitative and technical economics, (2017), 6, 104-118. (In Chinese) (with Zhao, G. and Q. Yao ).

Bootstrap-based Selection for Instrumental Variables Model, Economics Bulletin, (2015), Volume 35, Issue 3, pages 1886-1896. (with Wang, W.).

A Comparison of Estimation Methods for Partially Linear Models International Journal of Innovative Management, Information & Production, (2012), 3(2), 38-42. (with G. Zhao).

An Application of Forecast Combination Methods to Default Risk Prediction CBC Discussion paper series, (2011), No. 130, 1-8.

Generalized Cp Model Averaging for Heteroskedastic Models, CBC Discussion paper series, (2010), No. 127, 1-9.

Asymptotic Theory for Difference-based Estimator of Partially Linear Models, Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, (2010), 39(1), 393-406. (In Japanese).

A New GARCH-Type Model, CNU Journal of Management & Economics, CNU, Korea, (2010), 32(2), 213-228.

モデル平均理論の新展開, 経済論叢(京都大学), (2009), 183(2), 67-76.

Value-at-Risk Analysis in Shanghai Stock Market with Mixed Models, Journal of financial research , (2009), 353(11), 119-128. (In Chinese)(with Zhao, G.).

Efficient Estimation and Model Selection for Grouped Data with Local Moments, Journal of The Japan Statistical Society, (2008), 38(1), 131-143. (with Hitomi, K., Y. Nishiyama and N. Sueishi).

Analysis of Value-at-Risk in Shanghai Stock Market using OGARCH-class Models, 21COE Interface for Advanced Economic Analysis Discussion paper, (2006), 118, 1-36.

Efficiency Improvement by Local Moments in Grouped Data Analysis, 21COE Interface for Advanced Economic Analysis Discussion paper, (2006), 107, 1-12. (with Sueishi, N., K. Hitomi and Y. Nishiyama).

A Modified GARCH Model with Spells of Shocks, Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, Springer, (2006), 12(1), 29-44. (with K. Morimune).

Semiparametric Estimators for Conditional Moment Restrictions Containing Nonparametric Functions: Comparison of GMM and Empirical Likelihood Procedures, in MODSIM 2005 International Congresson Modelling and Simulation, ed. by A. Zerger, and R. Argent, (2005), 926-932. (with Nishiyama, Y.and N. Sueishi).

Empirical Likelihood Estimation of Continuous-time Models with Conditional Moment Restrictions, in MODSIM 2005 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, ed. by A. Zerger, and R. Argent, (2005), 886-892. (with Y. Nishiyama).



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