李有伟教授——Time-Varying Risk Appetite and Asset Pricing(2022年数量经济学国际讲习班)

李有伟教授——Time-Varying Risk Appetite and Asset Pricing(2022年数量经济学国际讲习班)

发布时间:2022-07-01 21:52:07 作者/出处:

李有伟,赫尔大学商学院金融学教授。李教授拥有荷兰蒂尔堡大学金融计量经济学博士学位和中国兰州大学数学博士学位,曾就职于中国科学院数学研究所、中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济研究所和英国贝尔法斯特女王大学。主要研究方向为资产定价、金融市场异质代理模型、长寿风险、市场微观结构和定量金融。在Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Futures Markets, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Financial Review, Quantitative Finance, and Journal of the Operational Research Society等期刊上发表过大量文章。此外,李教授还担任Finance Research Letters, the International Review of Financial Analysis, and the European Journal of Finance的副主编。李教授的研究得到澳洲研究理事会、英国经济及社会研究理事会、欧盟委员会、中国国家自然科学基金组织及荷兰科学研究组织的支持。



What can Explain Momentum? Evidence from Decomposition, Management Science, (2022). (with Jiaqi Guo and Peng Li)

A Reexamination of Factor Momentum: How Strong is It?, The Financial Review, (2022). (with Fan, Minyou; Liao, Ming and Liu, Jiadong)

How State Ownership Affects Corporate R&D: An Inverted-U-Shaped Relationship, International Journal of Finance and Economics, (2022). (with Ze Jian and Tong Fu)

Cultural Diversity and Borrowers' Behavior: Evidence from Peer-to-Peer Lending, European Journal of Finance, (2022). (with Zhongfei Chen, Ming Jin, and Athanasios Andrikopoulos)

Order Book Price Impact in the Chinese Soybean Futures Market, International Journal of Finance & Economics, (2022). (with Muzhao Jin, Fearghal Kearney, and Yung Chiang Yang)

Shunned Stocks and Market States, European Journal of Finance, 28(7), (2022), 705-717. (with Xing Han and Olena Onishchenko)

The Role of Hedge Funds in the Asset PricingEvidence from China, European Journal of Finance, 28(2), (2022), 219-243. (with Jing Zhang, Wei Zhang, and Xu Feng)

Low Liquidity Beta Anomaly in China, Emerging Markets Review, 100832, (2022). (with Michael Frommel, Xing Han, and Samuel Vigne)

Short-Run Disequilibrium Adjustment and Long-Run Equilibrium in the International Stock Markets: A Network-Based Approach, International Review of Financial Analysis, 79, 102002, (2022). (with Chen, Yanhua; Pantelous, Athanasios A. and Stanley, H. Eugene)

Dark Matters: the Effects of Dark Trading Restrictions on Liquidity and Informational Efficiency, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 75, 101435, (2021). (with Gbenga Ibikunle, Davide Mare, and Yuxin Sun)

Bayesian Value-at-Risk Backtesting: The Case of Annuity Pricing, European Journal of Operational Research, 293(2), (2021), 786-801. (with Leung, Melvern; Pantelous, Athanasios A.; and Vigne, Samuel)

Should a Retailer Sell Its Own Extended Warranties or Resell Those from the Manufacturer When Confronting Supplier Encroachment?, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 72(9), (2021), 2046-2058. (with Junwu Chai, Hengyu Li, and Wei Yan)

Was a Deterioration in ‘Connectedness’ a Leading Indicator of the European Sovereign Debt Crisis?, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 74, 101300, (2021). (with Hamill, Philip Anthony; Pantelous, Athanasios A.; Vigne, Samuel and Waterworth, James)

The Existence and Severity of the Forward Premium Puzzle During Tranquil and Turbulent Periods: Developed Versus Developing Country Currencies, International Review of Financial Analysis, 78, 101871, (2021). (with Ali A. Shehadeh, Samuel A. Vigne, Mohammad I. Almaharmeh and Yizhi Wang)

Same Same But Different -- Stylized Facts of CTA Sub Strategies, International Review of Financial Analysis, 74, 101657, (2021). (with Péter Erdős, Ruipeng Liu and Alex Mende)

Investor Heterogeneity and Momentum-Based Trading Strategies in China, International Review of Financial Analysis, 74, 101654, (2021). (with Ya Gao, Xing Han, and Xiong Xiong)

Investor Overconfidence and the Security Market Line: New Evidence from China, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 117, 103961, (2020). (with Xing Han and Kai Li)

Asymmetric Volatility Spillovers between Economic Policy Uncertainty and Stock Markets: Evidence from China, Research in International Business and Finance, 53, 101233, (2020). (with Feng He and Ziwei Wang)

Intraday Time-Series Momentum: Evidence from China, Journal of Futures Markets, 40, (2020), 632-650. (with Muzhao Jin, Fearghal Kearney and Yung Chiang Yang)

Selling Vertically Differentiated Products under One Channel or Two? A Quality Segmentation Model for Differentiated Distribution Channels, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 71(8), (2020), 1180–1198. (with Junwu Chai, Wei Yan, Mark Palmer and Qilin Huang)

How Did Order-Flow Impact Bond Prices During the European Sovereign Debt Crisis?, International Review of Economics and Finance, 67, (2020), 13-24. (with Zhongguo Lin, Philip Hamill, Zhuowei Sun and James Waterworth)

Social Media Effect, Investor Recognition and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns, International Review of Financial Analysis, 67, 101432, (2020). (with Xiangtong Meng, Wei Zhang, Xing Cao and Xu Feng)

Overnight Momentum, Informational Shocks, and Late-Informed Trading in China, International Review of Financial Analysis, 66, 101394, (2019). (with Ya Gao, Xing Han and Xiong Xiong)

Did Long-Memory of Liquidity Signal the European Sovereign Debt Crisis?, Annals of Operations Research, 282, (2019), 355-377. (with Zhuowei Sun, Philip Hamill, Yung Chiang Yang and Samuel Vigne)

A New Attention Proxy and Order Imbalance: Evidence from China, Finance Research Letters, 29, (2019), 411-417. (with Ya Gao, Xiong Xiong, Xu Feng and Samuel A. Vigne)

Bottom-up Sentiment and Return Predictability of the Market Portfolio, Finance Research Letters, 29, (2019), 57-60. (with Jiaqi Guo and Min Zheng)

Heterogeneous Agent Models in Financial Markets: A Nonlinear Dynamics Approach, International Review of Financial Analysis, 62, (2019), 135-149. (with Xue-Zhong He and Min Zheng)

Asset Allocation with Time Series Momentum and Reversal, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 91, (2018), 441-457. (with Xuezhong He and Kai Li)

Price Discovery in the Chinese Gold Market, Journal of Futures Markets, 38, (2018), 1262-1281. (with Muzhao Jin, Jianxin Wang and Yung Chiang Yang)

Sustainable Decisions on Product Upgrade Confrontations with Remanufacturing Operations. Sustainability, (2018), 10, 4090. (with Lin Sun and Lingjiang Zhang)

Long Memory in Financial Markets: A Heterogeneous Agent Model Perspective, International Review of Financial Analysis, 58, (2018), 38-51. (with Ruipeng Liu and Min Zheng)

An Analysis of Liquidity Skewness for European Sovereign Bond Markets, Finance Research Letters, 26, (2018), 274-280. (with Wei Yan, Philip Hamill, Samuel A. Vigne and James Waterworth)

Liquidity Skewness in the London Stock Exchange, International Review of Financial Analysis, 56, (2018), 12-18. (with Tsung-Han Hsieh, D. McKillop and Yuliang Wu)

Risk Adjusted Momentum Strategies: A Comparison between Constant and Dynamic Volatility Scaling Approaches, Research in International Business and Finance, 46, (2018), 131-140. (with Minyou Fan and Jiadong Liu)

Can Investor Sentiment Be a Momentum Time-Series Predictor? Evidence from China, Journal of Empirical Finance, 42, (2017), 212-239. (with Xing Han)

The Adaptiveness in Stock Markets: Testing the Stylized Facts in the DAX 30, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 27(5), (2017), 1071-1094. (with X. He)

Models of Mortality Rates - Analysing the Residuals, Applied Economics, 49(52), (2017), 5309–5323. (with Colin O’Hare)

Modelling Mortality: Are We Heading in the Right Direction?, Applied Economics, 49(2), (2017), 170-187. (with Colin O’Hare)

US Dollar Carry Trades in the Era of “Cheap Money”, Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 66(5), (2016), 374-404. (with Ali Shehadeh, Péter Erdős and Michael Moore)

A Rising E-Channel Tide Lifts All Boats? The Impact of Manufacturer Multi-Channel Encroachment on Traditional Selling and Leasing, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, (2016), Volume 2016, Article ID 2898021, 18 pages. (with Wei Yan, Ying Wu and Mark Palmer)

Identifying the Relative Importance of Stock Characteristics, Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 34, (2016), 80-91. (with Declan French and Yuliang Wu)

Price Discovery in the Dual-Platform US Treasury Market, Global Finance Journal, 28, (2015), 95-110. (with Zhuowei Sun and P. Dunne)

Testing of a Market Fraction Model and Power-law Behaviour in the DAX 30, Journal of Empirical Finance, 31, (2015), 1-17. (with X. He)

Identifying Structural Breaks in Stochastic Mortality Models, ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B. Mechanical Engineering, 1(2), (2015), 021002-1-14. (with Colin O’Hare)

Is Mortality Spatial or Social?, Economic Modelling, 42(C), (2014), 198-207. (with Colin O’Hare)

Do Low-Priced Stocks Drive Long-Term Contrarian Performance on the London Stock Exchange?, The Financial Review, 47(3), (2012), 501-530. (with Yuliang Wu, Philip Hamill)

Explaining Young Mortality, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 50(1), (2012), 12-25. (with Colin O’Hare)

Long-Term Return Reversals -- Value and Growth or Tax? UK Evidence, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 21(3), (2011), 347-368. (with Yuliang Wu)

Econometric Analysis of Microscopic Simulation Models, Quantitative Finance, 10 (10), (2010), 1187-1201. (with B. Melenberg and B. Donkers)

Do the Africa Share Indices Exhibit the Stylized Facts?, Global Finance Journal, 21 (1), (2010), 71-97. (with P. Hamill and K. Opong)

Heterogeneity, Convergence, and Autocorrelations, Quantitative Finance, 8 (1), (2008), 59-79. (with X. He)

Power-Law Behaviour, Heterogeneity, and Trend Chasing, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 31(10), (2007), 3396-3426. (with X. He)



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