Research on Microcosmic Mechanism of Macro-financial Risk

Research on Microcosmic Mechanism of Macro-financial Risk

Authors Zhang Yishan

Press Economic Science Press

Published 2007年12月


Macro-financial risk, also known as national financial risk, refers to a country-wide systemic financial risk. In the final analysis, the macroscopic financial risk is caused by the interaction and accumulation of micro-market agents. Studying microcosmic mechanism of macro-financial risk can not only find the key points of the source, but also provide solid foundation for making reasonable policies. Based on this, this book focuses on the internal and external causes of macro-financial risk sources. Internal causes mainly include monetary market risk and capital market risk. This book finally takes into account the whole economic system; and employs the simulation method based on agents to make simulation of the macro-financial system starting from the micro-individuals, and analyzes the allocation effect, conduction effect and cumulative effect of monetary policy and tariff policy.

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