Analysis of the influencing factors of convergence and convergence speed of monetary policy rules under adaptive learning

Analysis of the influencing factors of convergence and convergence speed of monetary policy rules under adaptive learning

Author:Li Tianyu Zhang Yishan Journal: Date:

The adaptive learning process is the process of equilibrium convergence from bounded rationality to rational expectations, and its convergence and convergence speed are the key factors restricting the effect of monetary policy. This paper first consolidates the convergence area of various monetary policy rules, and then obtains the form of monetary policy rules with the fastest convergence of the public to rational expectation equilibrium by comprehensively comparing the welfare loss of different rules in the region, and finally explores the reasons affecting the convergence speed of adaptive learning to rational expectation equilibrium, and the results show that the optimal monetary policy rule under commitment has a faster convergence speed than other rules. The public's data collection ability and utilization efficiency, the degree of understanding of the purpose and expected effect of monetary policy, and adaptive learning methods are the keys to restricting the convergence speed of adaptive learning.

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